Herzlich Willkommen im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Tanja Weil

Synthese von Makromolekülen

Der Arbeitskreis für die Synthese von Makromolekülen entwickelt innovative Synthesekonzepte zur Herstellung funktionaler Makromoleküle und Hybridmaterialien durch komplexe molekulare Designstrategien, um zukünftige Herausforderungen in der Biomedizin und Materialwissenschaft zu lösen.

Journal Cover

Medien und Veranstaltung

Discover the latest pioneering research in the exciting area of polymer science and soft matter in this summit. mehr
SupraChem 2022
Wir sind stolz darauf, diese alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Reihe, die alle supramolekularen Chemiker und Wissenschaftler aus verwandten Bereichen versammelt, mitzuorganisieren. mehr
Fighting cancer, Trojan Horse-style
LinkedIn News (Bild aus Originalartikel übernommen) mehr
Wie Nerven nachwachsen können

Wie Nerven nachwachsen können

Artikel im Newsroom der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
(Bild: Wie geschädigte Nerven nachwachsen können. © mattweis basierend auf Vorlagen des MPI für Polymerforschung)

Highlight Publikationen

Macrocyclic Dual-Locked “Turn-On” Drug for Selective and Traceless Release in Cancer Cells
We report drug cyclization based on dynamic covalent linkages to devise a dual lock for the small-molecule anticancer drug, that can only be activated in the unique intracellular chemical environment in cancer cells
Dual Stimuli-Responsive Dynamic Covalent Peptide Tags: Toward Sequence-Controlled Release in Tumor-like Microenvironments
We designed dual responsive dynamic covalent peptide tags combining a pH responsive boronate ester with fast association and dissociation rates, and a redox-active disulfide with slow formation and dissociation rate. In this way, some limitations in linker design can be overcome for controlled release in the tumor microenvironment. mehr
Controlled Supramolecular Assembly inside Living Cells by Sequential Multi-staged Chemical Reactions.
A modular platform that incorporates intricate molecular recognition, immolative, and rearrangement chemistry to achieve synthetic assembly within living cells. mehr
Photo-controlled Dopamine Polymerization on DNA Origami with low Nanometer Resolution.
Temporal and spatial control over polydopamine formation on the nanoscale can be achieved by installing an irradiation-sensitive polymerization system on DNA origami. mehr
Detection of Few Hydrogen Peroxide Molecules Using Self-Reporting Fluorescent Nanodiamond Quantum Sensors
We devised a nanoscale sensor based on nanodiamonds to monitor and quantitatively assess the distribution of H2O2 molecules inside living cells, with molecular-level sensitivity. mehr
Autonomous Ultrafast Self-Healing Hydrogels by pH-Responsive Functional Nanofiber Gelators as Cell Matrices
We report the synthesis of hybrid hydrogels by pH-controlled structural transition with exceptional rheological properties as cellular matrix. The strategy offers many attractive opportunities for 3D tissue engineering and other biomedical applications. mehr
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