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Molekulare Elektronik | Prof. P. Blom
Molekulare Spektroskopie | Prof. M. Bonn
Physik der Grenzflächen | Prof. H.-J. Butt
Biomolekulare Mechanik | Prof. F. Gräter
Phys. Chemie d. Polymere | Prof. K. Landfester
Synthese von Makromolekülen | Prof. T. Weil
Unabhängige Forschungsgruppen
Röntgenstreuung an Weicher Materie | J.-Prof. K. Amann-Winkel
Theoretische Spektroskopie | Dr. D. Keefer
Organische Bioelektronik | Dr. U. Kraft
Datengetriebene Analyse von Systemen weicher Materie | O. Kukharenko
Theorie der Polymere | Prof. K. Kremer
Synthetische Chemie | Prof. K. Müllen
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Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Organische Bioelektronik
Galerie | Dr. Ulrike Kraft
The team in the clean room
16. Dezember 2022
The team in the clean room
The team in the clean room
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
16. Dezember 2022
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
The team at the glovebox line for sample processing
16. Dezember 2022
The team at the glovebox line for sample processing
The team at the glovebox line for sample processing
Sample preparation in the clean room
16. Dezember 2022
Sample preparation in the clean room
Sample preparation in the clean room
Set up for contact angle measurments
16. Dezember 2022
Set up for contact angle measurments
Set up for contact angle measurments
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
16. Dezember 2022
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
Photolithography at the mask aligner
16. Dezember 2022
Photolithography at the mask aligner
Photolithography at the mask aligner
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
16. Dezember 2022
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
Photolithography at the mask aligner
16. Dezember 2022
Photolithography at the mask aligner
Photolithography at the mask aligner
The team next to the sputtering tool
16. Dezember 2022
The team next to the sputtering tool
The team next to the sputtering tool
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
16. Dezember 2022
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
16. Dezember 2022
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
UV curing and spin coating
16. Dezember 2022
UV curing and spin coating
UV curing and spin coating
UV curing and spin coating
16. Dezember 2022
UV curing and spin coating
UV curing and spin coating
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
16. Dezember 2022
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
16. Dezember 2022
The team in the clean room
The team in the clean room
16. Dezember 2022
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
16. Dezember 2022
The team at the glovebox line for sample processing
The team at the glovebox line for sample processing
16. Dezember 2022
Sample preparation in the clean room
Sample preparation in the clean room
16. Dezember 2022
Set up for contact angle measurments
Set up for contact angle measurments
16. Dezember 2022
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
16. Dezember 2022
Photolithography at the mask aligner
Photolithography at the mask aligner
16. Dezember 2022
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
Film analysis (with microscope and profilometer) and inkjet printing of electronic inks
16. Dezember 2022
Photolithography at the mask aligner
Photolithography at the mask aligner
16. Dezember 2022
The team next to the sputtering tool
The team next to the sputtering tool
16. Dezember 2022
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
16. Dezember 2022
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
Electrical measurements in air and in nitrogen atmosphere
16. Dezember 2022
UV curing and spin coating
UV curing and spin coating
16. Dezember 2022
UV curing and spin coating
UV curing and spin coating
16. Dezember 2022
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
Sample preparation in the chemistry lab
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