MPI-P closed today, 26.04.

Evacuation of the institute due to defusing a world war bomb

The MPI-P is closed today. A world war bomb was found during construction work on the new biotech campus being built in Mainz. The defusing of the 500 kilogram bomb is scheduled to begin on Friday (April 26) at 12 noon. The danger zone must be evacuated by 10 a.m. at the latest. Experts from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service have determined that the area within a radius of around 750 meters around the bomb must be evacuated - this area also includes the MPI-P. 

The MPI-P is therefore closed from 7 a.m. until the all-clear is given. Please do not come to the institute and leave the restricted area. More information can be found on the website of the state capital

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