Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board is the main instrument for evaluating the scientific performance of our institute. Such evaluations are compelling because they enable the Max Planck Society to justify the funds it receives. Internally, the assessments broaden the decision basis of the organs of the Max Planck Society because they provide important information on the developments at individual institute.

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board 2020:

Prof. Dr. Takuzo Aida
Saitama, Japan

Prof. Minhaeng Cho
Seoul, Südkorea

Prof. Dr. Daan Frenkel 
Cambridge, Großbritannien

Prof. Dr. Stephen Garoff 
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Prof. Dr. Ehud Gazit
Tel Aviv, Israel

Prof. Rainer Haag
Berlin, Deutschland

Prof. Iain McCulloch 
London, Großbritannien

Prof. Dr. Monica Olvera de la Cruz 
Evanston, IL, USA

Prof. Dr. Walter Richtering 
Aachen, Deutschland

Prof. Martina Stenzel
Sydney, Australien

Prof. Dr. Natalie Stingelin
Atlanta, GA, USA

Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers 
Zürich, Schweiz

Prof. Dr. Karen Winey 
Philadelphia, USA

Prof. Elsa Yan
New Haven, USA

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