Sustainability Group of the MPI-P
The MPI-P Sustainability Group was founded in spring 2022 as a grassroots initiative of MPI-P employees. Our diverse group includes scientific staff and doctoral students, as well as employees of building services and administration.
Our goal is to advance various aspects of sustainable living and working at our institute.
We would like to contribute more sustainable concepts and ideas to the following core areas:
- Energy and energy consumption
- Building infrastructure
- Purchasing and orders
- Transportation
Especially in times of climate crisis and energy shortage, these topics are of particular concern to us.
As a framework and inspiration, we use the recommendation catalog of the Max Planck Sustainability Network, the so-called CaRe report: : https://www.nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerk.mpg.de/doi-2021-care

As part of the Max Planck Sustainability Network, one of our members - Dr. Markus Klapper - has already participated in this year's meeting of the Max Planck Sustainability Network.
Within the institute, we are also trying to create a greater awareness for more sustainable working in order to reduce energy consumption as much as possible in the long term.
In addition to the sustainability group, there is also an Energy Commission that is responsible for implementing energy-saving measures at MPI-P.
Together, the Sustainability Group and the Energy Commission strive for positive change at MPI-P in terms of environmental and economic sustainability.