Maria Paz Camposano Moor
Department of Synthesis of Macromolecules
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Main Focus
New methods of sensing with color center in (nano)diamonds for the detection of magnetic fields and temperature with high sensitivity and spatial resolution.
Curriculum Vitae
I achieved my bachelor's degree in 2020, where I worked on a technique to detect temperature using (nano) diamonds with NV color center. I received my master's degree in 2022 at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile under the supervision of Prof. Jerónimo Maze. In this period, I worked on the development of a temperature sensor based on Raman spectroscopy. In October 2022 I started my PhD in the group of Prof. Tanja Weil. Within the current projects, I focus on possible biological applications of quantum sensors such as diamond color centers.