Seminars - Dept. Bonn

Only for members of the MPI-P



Seminar speaker

23.08.2024 Dr. Alexander Fellows, FHI
27.08.2024 Prof. Wei Xiong, UCSD
10.09.2024 Lucas Gunkel, MPIP
17.09.2024 Francesco Montorsi, MPIP
01.10.2024 Dr. Zsuzsanna Heiner, Humboldt University of Berlin
08.10.2024 Hao Lu, MPIP
12.11.2024 Dr. Annette Pietzsch, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
19.11.2024 Dr. Takashi, Kumagai, IMS
21.11.2024 Dr. Johannes Gierschner, IMDEA
03.12.2024 Ali Tayefeh Younesi, MPIP
11.02.2025 Dr. Viktorija Glembockyte, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
27.02.2025 Dr. Kasra Amini, MBI
04.03.2025 Prof. Dai Zhang, University of Tübingen
11.03.2025 Minh Tuan Luu, MPIP
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