Seminars - Dept. Bonn
Only for members of the MPI-P
Date |
Seminar speaker |
23.08.2024 | Dr. Alexander Fellows, FHI |
27.08.2024 | Prof. Wei Xiong, UCSD |
10.09.2024 | Lucas Gunkel, MPIP |
17.09.2024 | Francesco Montorsi, MPIP |
01.10.2024 | Dr. Zsuzsanna Heiner, Humboldt University of Berlin |
08.10.2024 | Hao Lu, MPIP |
12.11.2024 | Dr. Annette Pietzsch, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin |
19.11.2024 | Dr. Takashi, Kumagai, IMS |
21.11.2024 | Dr. Johannes Gierschner, IMDEA |
03.12.2024 | Ali Tayefeh Younesi, MPIP |
11.02.2025 | Dr. Viktorija Glembockyte, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research |
27.02.2025 | Dr. Kasra Amini, MBI |
04.03.2025 | Prof. Dai Zhang, University of Tübingen |
11.03.2025 | Minh Tuan Luu, MPIP |