Katrin Domke called to the Elisabeth Schiemann-Kolleg

May 15, 2014

Mainz. Katrin Domke, head of an Emmy Noether research group at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P), has been called to the Elisabeth Schiemann-Kolleg. The mentoring program of the Max Planck Society (MPS) which was named in rememberance of the geneticist and NS resistance fighter Elisabeth Schiemann and found in 2013 to support young outstanding female scientists. Professors and directors are nominating the candidates for a membership. As fellow they are professionally supported by renowned Max Planck researchers on their way to an appointment as a University Chair or a director of a scientific institution. Furthermore, the Kolleg offers a platform for interdisciplinary scientific exchange, and for forming a network with all participants.

Katrin Domke develops and optimizes spectroscopy methods to understand chemical processes on surfaces in detail, thereby contributing, for example, to the development of improved solar cells or fuel cells. 2012 she becomes an Emmy Noether fellow funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) gave her the opportunity to built up her own research group at MPI-P. Since October 2013 she is a leading member of Female Scientist–Network FINON financed by the European Union.

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