News | Dept. Gräter

Postdoctoral/PhD Research Position in Machine Learning for Molecular Mechanics

Dr. Alice Allen is establishing a new group at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research under the directorship of Prof. Dr. Frauke Gräter. Our group specializes in developing machine learning techniques for simulating molecular systems. more

Precise rupture of DNA under ultrasound

In collaboration with the experimental group of Professor Andreas Herrmann from Aachen, we redirected the previously unspecific fragmentation of DNA to dedicated weak points. more

Role models for young female scientists

Twelve female Max Planck scientists have been appointed from January 2024 to 2025. Their research focuses are as diverse as their scientific biographies more

GRAPPA - a machine learned molecular mechanics force field - Now Published!

With GRAPPA, we present our machine-learned Molecular Dynamics Force Field, which is capable of predicting force-field parameters for a wide range of molecules. more

For democracy

For democracy

January 30, 2025

Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research more

Mehr als nur ein Gummiband – unsere Forschung einfach erklärt

The structural protein collagen is the most common protein in the human organism. New research findings reveal unexpected properties. more

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