

Here you will find news from our institute. Read articles, browse press releases or find out about events taking place at our institute.

International Symposium of the CRC1066

Exchange on the latest developments in nanomedical tumor immunotherapy more

Layer by Layer

How simulations help manufacturing of modern displays more

Liquid water molecules are inherently asymmetric

New insight into the bonds between water molecule more

Special “ice nucleation proteins”, which are produced by certain bacteria, have the ability to control the freezing point of water.

Researchers unlock mechanism of ice-nucleating bacteria more

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International Symposium of the CRC1066

Exchange on the latest developments in nanomedical tumor immunotherapy more

Layer by Layer

How simulations help manufacturing of modern displays more

Liquid water molecules are inherently asymmetric

New insight into the bonds between water molecule more

Special “ice nucleation proteins”, which are produced by certain bacteria, have the ability to control the freezing point of water.

Researchers unlock mechanism of ice-nucleating bacteria more

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The bee whisperer

An article out of the newsletter of the MPI for chemistry more

Forschungsbericht (importiert) 2021 - Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung

<p>How to split water</p>

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research have taken a close look at the conversion processes to generate hydrogen. more

Welcome to the cell!

Project “MaxSynBio” produces artificial cells more

Foundations of success

Founded in 1983, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research began its research operations in 1984, at that time still in rooms at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Seven interviewees, who played a key role in shaping the Institute, talk about the challenges of the early days. more


The institute with six research groups under the leadership of six directors is one of the internationally leading research centres in the field of polymer science. more

How artificial cells are synthesised

Dr. Lucas Caire da Silva and Prof. Dr. Katharina Landfester, together with other scientists, have managed to recreate an artificial cell in such a way that individual compartments fulfil the functions of a biological cell. more



Video April 21, 2023

The research group led by Prof. Dr. Katharina Landfester lets you take a look behind the scenes. The video explains the individual synthesis steps in the laboratory and which quality controls have to be passed to be able to produce the "perfect" nanocapsule. more

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