Welcome to the Domke Group
(moving to University of Duisburg-Essen)
Electrochemical Surface Science
The Domke group aims to obtain atomistic insights into (electro)chemical processes at solid/liquid interfaces, such as catalyst-site reactivity, molecular redox-activity, and surface- or pore-confinement of solvent species. Such fundamental knowledge is quintessential for the strategic engineering of (re)active interfaces for functional and sustainable energy conversion device components.
To achieve this aim, we develop and employ state-of-the-art in situ and operando nearfield and nonlinear spectro-microscopies that provide unique insights into the electronic, geometric and chemical properties of 2D or 3D solid/liquid (catalyst) interfaces under realistic conditions, i.e. at room temperature and often in the presence of an (interfacial) potential and flowing charges. Exploiting the extreme time- and spatial resolution of these experimental approaches, we set out ot answer fundamental questions aboutactive site structure and reactivity, molecular (e.g. reactant, solvent, linker) interaction and conversion, and their interrelation with charge transfer, redox behaviour and interfacial potentials. The unique knowledge gained from our research connects nanoscale behaviour to macroscopic material properties and thus provides a rational basis for the economic and ecologically friendly design and (nano)engineering of functional interfaces for improved chemical and energy conversion devices of future industrial and societal relevance.